Saturday, 28 August 2010

PoO PoW Workout, Week 4, Today's Workout, Saturday, 28.08.10



Week 4

Day Twenty Seven

Hey everyone and congratulations, you've all made it to the final day of the workout plan. How is everyone feeling? Looking better? Hope so but remember it takes time to lose body weight and tone up and get fit so if your not where you want to be don't worry becuase this is only the beginning plus most human-begins strive for greatness and are never pleased with the end results becuase they feel it can always be improved on or maintained better. So don't get discourage, realize this truth and adapt it into your life, you can't fail if your always moving forward, even if its am inch at a time.


5 Minute Warm-Up & Stretching
If you’re not sure on what to do for stretching and warming up then refer to my blog and YouTube channel as I'll be posting up what I do as good overall full body stretch and warm-up routine.

*** Two really good stretches for the back both preformed on the floor that can be done;

1st Single leg lift and hold with both arms by reaching as high as you can while trying keep your back on the floor and gently pull that leg in, hold for 10 seconds and gently release and bring the leg down by bringing in the knee first and then change and repeat for next leg.

2nd While seating with one leg straight forward out and other leg crossed over the other leg. then lift that legs knee up and turn your upper body keeping legs in place so your facing in the opposite direction of the knee you just raised, you will feel a pull on your back and try dip your chin a bit and you will feel a pull on your upper back, hold for 10secs then repeat same again but for switching legs

Try and do both stretches for each leg at least twice***

15 minute run standard run

---- There should be max of 10 - 15 seconds rest between sets and changes ----

Sit-Ups - Alternating Elbow to Cross Knee

2 sets

50 Reps

15 Second Max Rest

Saxon Bends (light weights)

2 Sets

25 Reps

15 Second Max Rest

Frog Squats

4 Sets

10 Reps

15 Second Max Rest

Leg-Lifts Sit-Ups

2 Sets

30 Reps

15 Second Max Rest

Single arm bent over roll (Light weights) - weakest arm first then change

2 Sets

15 Reps

15 Second Max Rest

Side bends with legs on bench

2 Set

15 Reps

15 Second Max Rest

Hindu Pushups

2 Sets

20 Reps

15 Second Max Rest

Leg Lifts - In Push-up Position (Right leg first then Left, Switch between sets)

2 Sets

20 Reps

15 Second Max Rest


2 Sets

15 Reps

15 Second Max Rest

Cat Curls

2 Sets

15 Reps

30 Second Max Rest

Knee to Chest Seatups

Perform slowly till body feels tight/tense

Standard Low Knee Seatups

Perform slowly till body feels tight/tense

Push-Up Set

Perform slowly till body feels tight/tense

Start from triangle push-up position and when you feel quite tight and tense change to standard push-up position and continue till you feel the same again and then change to out-stretch position push-up and continue till you feel the same then stop and rest for 1 minute

Repeat this once more time and your done.


No need for interval timer just pace yourselves, take it slow, breathe and feel good and try to do 30 Second rests before moving onto next exercise.

Equipment needed: Just some light free weights just generating some extra pull for two of the exercises performed during workout.

5 Minute Cool down

This cool down is going to consist of some little jogging and shacking the body on the spot and then once body feels little less tense, stop. Next some slow deep breathing while standing,arms slightly out and pointing down to the floor, breathe in and out around 5 times or bit more till you feel little less little headed

Well done workout complete

Terry Masters

Friday, 27 August 2010

PoO PoW Workout, Week 4, Today's Workout, Friday, 27.08.10


Week 4

Day Twenty Six

Hope everyone enjoyed their rest day and yes now its time to go back to working out. This morning were going to spicy it up a bit again to get everyone back into that mood for nice workout so read the plan, love it and do it.


5 Minute Warm-Up & Stretching
If you’re not sure on what to do for stretching and warming up then refer to my blog and YouTube channel as I'll be posting up what I do as good overall full body stretch and warm-up routine.

15 - 30 minute runs (you can mix HIITs style into this if you want so run fast as you can for 20 to 30 seconds then keep jogging at a nice pace for minute and repeat over 10 minutes). Keeping in mind HIITs style will be much more intense and if you plan to do. Not recommended for 30 minute runs, but if you want to run for 30 minutes then do 50% of it as normal run and then last 50% as HIITs style of the last 10 minutes if you can't handle 15 minutes.

Standard: Leg-Lift Sit-ups - as many as you can for 1 minute

Standard: Right Side Ab Crunches 25 (Performed as slowly and hold for 5 seconds)

Standard: Left Side Ab Crunches 25 (Performed as slowly and hold for 5 seconds)

Standard: Saxon Bends (No weights) - as many as you can for 1 minute

---- 10 - 30 Seconds Maximum rest----

---- Repeat below divided set 3 times without stopping ----

HIITs: Knee-Up-Jog-Hope on the spot (Knees coming up close to the waist if possible but not higher then the waist, you'll feel the impact on your abs as well as the legs and gently small hop with the standing leg as the opposite knee raising leg reaches up)

35 Seconds Performance

5 Seconds Rest

HIITs: Knee Pumps - Right Leg (Tilt your body to the side little and pump the knee up in the direction of the tilt, after 1 internal tilt the other direction and repeat)

35 Seconds Performance

5 Seconds Rest

HIITs: Knee-Up-Jog-Hope on the spot (Knees coming up close to the waist if possible but not higher then the waist, you'll feel the impact on your abs as well as the legs and gently small hop with the standing leg as the opposite knee raising leg reaches up)

35 Seconds Performance

5 Seconds Rest

HIITs: Knee Pumps - Left Leg (Tilt your body to the side little and pump the knee up in the direction of the tilt, after 1 internal tilt the other direction and repeat)

35 Seconds Performance

5 Seconds Rest


HIITs: 2 Alternating Knee Lifts and Elbow knee touch (Basically as one of your knee raises the opposite arm's elbow you crunch down to connect with knee and then you change) - try hoping on the spot as you do this one as well for extra impact

30 Seconds Performance

10 Seconds Rest

*Set Change* ---- No Resting Please ----

Standard: Russian Style Sit-ups (In sit-up position knee low but not to low. Stretch arms out straight and then left up as your doing sit-up keeping your arms pointing straight upwards and stop half way. Keeping this posture, leading from hands and arms rotate body to the left and then back to the middle and then to the right then back middle again. Thats one.) - as many as you can for 1 minute

Standard: Knee to Chest Sit-ups - as many as you can for 1 minute

HIITs: 4 Cross body punching alternating leg lifting Fast Ab Crunches

35 Seconds Performance

5 Seconds Rest

*Set Change* ---- No Resting Please ----

HIITs: 2 Jump Frog (From push up position jump both legs in and out from the chest area).

35 Seconds Performance

5 Seconds Rest

HIITs: 4 Side Leg lifts (starting from the left and alternating to the right after each interval so in the end you should have done 2 sets on the left and 2 on the right).

35 Seconds Performance

5 Seconds Rest

Standard: 2x One Arm Pushups (Yes that's why we've been doing the one arm push-ups with the knees and now you should be able to do some standard ones and if not), Reps 5 - 10

Standard: 2x Standard Pushups

10 Reps followed by 10 Reps of Low Mini Standard Pushups

---- 30 Seconds - 1 Minute Maximum rest, have some water if needed ----

-----Important not to rush when doing back exercises-----

Standard: 10 Cat Curls

Standard: 20 Frog Squats

Standard: 10 Cat Curls

Standard: 20 Saxon Bends

If you have Gymboss Timer the setup is as follows:

Standard Set Exercises

Next Set

12 Intervals

First interval 35 Seconds

Second interval 5 Seconds

Next Set

2 Intervals

First interval 30 Seconds

Second interval 10 Seconds

Next Set

Standard Set Exercises

Next Set

10 Intervals

First interval 30 Seconds

Second interval 5 Seconds

Next Set

Standard Set Exercises

And if you don’t, don’t worry. Still follow the same intervals following which ever alternative time device you’re using to measure the time for each interval.

5 Minute Cool down

This cool down is going to consist of some little jogging and shacking the body on the spot and then once body feels little less tense, stop. Next some slow deep breathing while standing,arms slightly out and pointing down to the floor, breathe in and out around 5 times or bit more till you feel little less little headed

Well done workout complete

Terry Masters

Wednesday, 25 August 2010

PoO PoW Workout, Week 4, Today's Workout, Wednesday, 25.08.10


Week 4

Day Twenty Four

Today more less like last Wednesday but just like the rest of the day's starting from this week you already know its going to be much more intense, have new time interval and its going have you really pushing yourself to the limit.


5 Minute Warm-Up & Stretching
If you’re not sure on what to do for stretching and warming up then refer to my blog and YouTube channel as I'll be posting up what I do as good overall full body stretch and warm-up routine.

15 - 30 minute runs (you can mix HIITs style into this if you want so run fast as you can for 20 to 30 seconds then keep jogging at a nice pace for minute and repeat over 10 minutes). Keeping in mind HIITs style will be much more intense and if you plan to do. Not recommended for 30 minute runs, but if you want to run for 30 minutes then do 50% of it as normal run and then last 50% as HIITs style of the last 10 minutes if you can't handle 15 minutes.

***Don't worry if you can't endure a workout or feel like your lacking stamina becuase to make it this far shows you do have what it takes. We're getting stronger everyday. Everybody bodies are different and progress differently so keeping that in mind don't ever get discourage. Your doing great!***

HIITs: 4 Sets of Running Sprints on the spot

30 Seconds Performance

15 Seconds Rest

Compound Exercises Circuit 2 - 4 x Set: Recommend 2 Sets as standard and if your not feeling it push it to 3 or 4 and specially for the die hard fans like me push it to 4.

10 Triangle Pushups

20 Standard Pushups

20 Ab Crunches

20 Triceps Leg Lifts

20 Russian Style Side to Side Sit-ups

Once done repeat set one more time without rest.

- - - - 1 Minute Rest (Have some water) - - - -

HIITs: 8 Sets of Running Sprints on the spot

30 Seconds Performance

15 Seconds Rest


If you have Gymboss Timer the setup is as follows:

4 Intervals

First interval 30 Seconds

Second interval 15 Seconds

Then 2 - 4 rounds of compound exercise routine

8 Intervals

First interval 30 Seconds

Second interval 30 Seconds


And if you don’t, don’t worry. Still follow the same intervals following which ever alternative time device you’re using to measure the time for each interval.

5 Minute Cool down

This cool down is going to consist of some little jogging and shacking the body on the spot and then once body feels little less tense, stop. Next some slow deep breathing while standing,arms slightly out and pointing down to the floor, breathe in and out around 5 times or bit more till you feel little less lite headed. Also try get couple stretches in for the arms and legs.

Well done workout complete

Tuesday, 24 August 2010

PoO PoW Workout, Week 4, Today's Workout, Tuesday, 24.08.10


Week 4

Day Twenty Three

Just like yesterday great workout, its going to feel great but gonna be intense, this is the final week and you've been pushing it great to get this far so you know you can do it so lets do this.


5 Minute Warm-Up & Stretching
If you’re not sure on what to do for stretching and warming up then refer to my blog and YouTube channel as I'll be posting up what I do as good overall full body stretch and warm-up routine.

15 - 30 minute runs (you can mix HIITs style into this if you want so run fast as you can for 20 to 30 seconds then keep jogging at a nice pace for minute and repeat over 10 minutes). Keeping in mind HIITs style will be much more intense and if you plan to do. Not recommended for 30 minute runs, but if you want to run for 30 minutes then do 50% of it as normal run and then last 50% as HIITs style of the last 10 minutes if you can't handle 15 minutes.

***Don't worry if you can't endure a workout or feel like your lacking stamina becuase to make it this far shows you do have what it takes. We're getting stronger everyday. Everybody bodies are different and progress differently so keeping that in mind don't ever get discourage. Your doing great!***

---- Repeating Routine Set: Perform everything as stated and that completes one set, we are going for 2 sets of this. So 2 sets of 24 intervals.


1 Set HIITs style 24 Intervals

1 Set Standard Exercise

1 Set HIITs 24 Intervals

HIITs: 2 Jog Jabs Intervals (Jogging on the spot while doing alternating punching jabs, whilst jogging knees should be coming up to waist level)

30 Seconds Performance

10 Seconds Rest

HIITs: 2 Alternating Cross Punching

30 Seconds Performance

10 Seconds Rest

HIITs: 2 Alternating Hook Punches

30 Seconds Performance

10 Seconds Rest

HIITs: 2 Jumping Jacks

30 Seconds Performance

10 Seconds Rest

HIITs: 2 Uppercuts Punches

30 Seconds Performance

10 Seconds Rest

HIITs: 2 Squats

30 Seconds Performance

10 Seconds Rest

HIITs: 2 Crunches

30 Seconds Performance

10 Seconds Rest

HIITs: 2 Knee to Chest Seatups

30 Seconds Performance

10 Seconds Rest

HIITs: 2 Lower Abdominal Hip Roll

30 Seconds Performance

10 Seconds Rest

HIITs: 4 Inner Leg Lifts (Works the inner thighs) - Weakest Legs first then change for second interval

30 Seconds Performance

10 Seconds Rest

HIITs: 2 Standing Side to Side Leg Lifts (Works the inner thighs)

30 Seconds Performance

10 Seconds Rest

1 Set complete, do style change standard set then repeat HIITs set again. -----

---- Style Change ----

Standard: Standard Pushups (Take no longer then 30 Seconds to perform each set and take only 5 - 10 second between sets).

4 Sets - First set 20, Second 15, Third 10, Last 5, as shown below:

20 - 15 - 10 - 5 Reps

Single Arm Pushups from Knee's laid out position (easiest style of performing, everyone should be able too) - Start with weakest arm first.

2 Sets

10 Reps

*** For those die harder fans who want to work their chest bit more make the first set you do a inner chest set with triangle push-ups and once complete repeat other set after the single arm push-ups for overall chest.***

---- Style Change ----

----- 30 Second Max Break -----

Cat Curls for 1 minute

Saxon Bends - No weights arms reach high and just slow move side to side till body feels firm and relax.


If you have Gymboss Timer the setup is as follows:

24 Intervals

First interval 30 Seconds

Second interval 10 Seconds

And if you don’t, don’t worry. Still follow the same intervals following which ever alternative time device you’re using to measure the time for each interval.

5 Minute Cool down

This cool down is going to consist of some little jogging and shacking the body on the spot and then once body feels little less tense, stop. Next some slow deep breathing while standing,arms slightly out and pointing down to the floor, breathe in and out around 5 times or bit more till you feel little less lite headed. Also try get couple stretches in for the arms and legs.

Well done workout complete

Terry Masters

Monday, 23 August 2010

Workout Styles

Hi there everyone. Hope you all enjoyed your morning workouts specially if you was following this morning PoO PoW workout plan posted. I find a great workout in the morning is a great way to start the day off.

First i would like to apologies becuase i know in my workout plans i state ill be posting up 'follow-ups' on how each exercise performed benefits you and what parts of the body it impacts more. Not only that but i also mentioned the PoO PoW Boot Camp workout plan.

I've set time a side and i will be posting up everything ive stated i will with due course so please keep the eye out and if you follow me on twitter or facebook all my latest updates will be updated on there instantly.

The PoO PoW Boot Camp workout plan consist of a series of exercises put together and performed during a workout where they is no stopping or minimum stop during exercise change. Boot Camp workouts have been proven to be very affective workout plans that help keep you fit, motivated and burn off weight. A style taken from the military and one that i have been looking into with great interest. Same way i have been looking into HIITs style workouts with great interest.

There's many different types of workouts out there and there's something for everyone. You just need to find the right one for you. I personally find any type of workout great if performed the right way and with motivation. I will always highly recommend HIITs style workouts and boot camp style becuase they have been proven world wide to be the most effective workouts over short periods of time.

Thats why i am creating styles of workouts that not only combined great aspects of workouts already out there but also workouts that can be used and adapted for all and the main aspect too all which will never change is motivation, motivation and motivation.

There is no quick way to lose weight and maintain a fit, healthy and stronger body, taking drugs that have been proven or state they will help you lose weight is only a quick fix and yes if it works (becuase it doesn't work for everyone) for you and you feel good becuase you look better due to weight lost doesn't make you any heather and in fact you could actually be worse off. Please consider workouts like the ones stated above because workout a little every day and watching how you eat and sleep will make all the difference you need. You will not only feel better from how you look but also physically feel better as well.

Were all our own keepers of our body and only us can be held responsible for how its maintained. We can style have fun enjoy life and party hard and still keep fit.

Thanks for reading

Please follow me if you find what i have say helps or interesting and stay tuned because there's a great deal more coming.

Terry Masters

PoO PoW Workout, Week 4, Today's Workout, Monday, 23.08.10


Week 4


Day Twenty Two

Wow everyone has made it to the final week, well of course you have becuase you stuck in there and motivated yourselves. This level of motivation to stack to workout not just becuase its good workout but becuase you want to make a difference. Well how is everyone feeling? Been looking in the mirror a lot? Notice those changes? Feeling them too? Feels and looks great doesn't it? Well lets pump it up and feel and look even better. Final week everyone but don't worry at the end of the week ill be posting up weekly workout routines that can be perform to improve and build upon what we've been building, such as; strengthening, toning-up, Stamina Training, Overall body Fitness and of course fat burning/healthy weight losing exercises, routines and intense 5 day workouts.

Also be on the look out for the PoO PoW Boot Camp Workout Plan, promises to be a great full body workout that will tighten, tone and burn away that fat. Warning Workouts lasting up to or longer then a hour with no breaks or stopping.


5 Minute Warm-Up & Stretching
If you’re not sure on what to do for stretching and warming up then refer to my blog and YouTube channel as I'll be posting up what I do as good overall full body stretch and warm-up routine.

15 - 30 minute runs (you can mix HIITs style into this if you want so run fast as you can for 20 to 30 seconds then keep jogging at a nice pace for minute and repeat over 10 minutes). Keeping in mind HIITs style will be much more intense and if you plan to do. Not recommended for 30 minute runs, but if you want to run for 30 minutes then do 50% of it as normal run and then last 50% as HIITs style of the last 10 minutes if you can't handle 15 minutes.

***Don't worry if you can't endure a workout or feel like your lacking stamina becuase to make it this far shows you do have what it takes. We're getting stronger everyday. Everybody bodies are different and progress differently so keeping that in mind don't ever get discourage. Your doing great!***

HIITs: 2 Jog Jabs Intervals (Jogging on the spot while doing alternating punching jabs, whilst jogging knees should be coming up to waist level)

30 Seconds Performance

10 Seconds Rest

HIITs: 2 Alternating Hook Punches

30 Seconds Performance

10 Seconds Rest

HIITs: 2 Knee Ups

30 Seconds Performance

10 Seconds Rest

HIITs: 2 Punching Uppercuts

30 Seconds Performance

10 Seconds Rest

HIITs: 2 Running from Push-up Position (get into sprinting start position and when ready start, stay in the same position and start pumping those legs trying keep your upper body in correct position and stomach tense as possible).

30 Seconds Performance

10 Seconds Rest

HIITs: 1 Fast Ab Crunches

30 Seconds Performance

10 Seconds Rest

---- Style Change ----

Standard: Standard Pushups (Take no longer then 30 Seconds to perform each set and take only 5 - 10 second between sets).

4 Sets - First set 20, Second 15, Third 10, Last 5, as shown below:

20 - 15 - 10 - 5 Reps

---- Style Change ----

HIITs: 2 Knee to Chest Seatups

30 Seconds Performance

10 Seconds Rest

HIITs: 2 Low Knees standard Seatups

30 Seconds Performance

10 Seconds Rest

HIITs: 2 Air Ab Bicycle Kicks

30 Seconds Performance

10 Seconds Rest

Saxon Bends (No Weights/light weights)

Perform slowly till body feels tight with deep breathing.

Frog Squats (Performed slow but moderate pace)

3 Sets

10 Reps

If you have Gymboss Timer the setup is as follows:

11 Intervals

First interval 30 Seconds

Second interval 10 Seconds


- Standard Small Workout Set -


6 Intervals

First interval 30 Seconds

Second interval 10 Seconds

And if you don’t, don’t worry. Still follow the same intervals following which ever alternative time device you’re using to measure the time for each interval.

5 Minute Cool down

This cool down is going to consist of some little jogging and shacking the body on the spot and then once body feels little less tense, stop. Next some slow deep breathing while standing,arms slightly out and pointing down to the floor, breathe in and out around 5 times or bit more till you feel little less lite headed. Also try get couple stretches in for the arms and legs.

Well done workout complete

Saturday, 21 August 2010

PoO PoW Workout, Week 3, Todays Workout, Saturday, 21.08.10

Week 3

Day Twenty

Great so the last day of the week people and again its more or less the same as last Saturday just bit more intense becuase its very important to work those back muscles as well. I know you may have gone out the night before or planning to go out tonight either way workouts are good way to burn off that extra fight you gained or to tone up and burn fat off to look that little bit better in your outfits for the night.

So lets begin


5 Minute Warm-Up & Stretching
If you’re not sure on what to do for stretching and warming up then refer to my blog and YouTube channel as I'll be posting up what I do as good overall full body stretch and warm-up routine.

*** Two really good stretches for the back both preformed on the floor that can be done;

1st Single leg lift and hold with both arms by reaching as high as you can while trying keep your back on the floor and gently pull that leg in, hold for 10 seconds and gently release and bring the leg down by bringing in the knee first and then change and repeat for next leg.

2nd While seating with one leg straight forward out and other leg crossed over the other leg. then lift that legs knee up and turn your upper body keeping legs in place so your facing in the opposite direction of the knee you just raised, you will feel a pull on your back and try dip your chin a bit and you will feel a pull on your upper back, hold for 10secs then repeat same again but for switching legs

Try and do both stretches for each leg at least twice***

10 - 15 - 20 minute run (you can mix HIITs style into this if you want so run fast as you can for 20 to 30 seconds then keep jogging at a nice pace for minute and repeat over 10 minutes). Keeping in mind HIITs style will be much more intense and also a lot of Wednesday workout involves sprinting on the spot as well, you don't want to over work your legs.

Saxon Bends (light weights)

4 Sets

10 Reps

15 Second Max Rest

Frog Squats

4 Sets

10 Reps

15 Second Max Rest


2 Sets

10 Reps

15 Second Max Rest

Single arm bent over roll (Light weights) - weakest arm first then change

2 Sets

15 Reps

15 Second Max Rest

Side bends with legs on bench

2 Set

15 Reps

15 Second Max Rest

Hindu Pushups

2 Sets

10 Reps

15 Second Max Rest

Leg Lifts - In Push-up Position (Right leg first then Left, Switch between sets)

4 Sets

10 - 15 Reps

30 Second Max Rest


4 Sets

5 - 10 Reps

30 Second Max Rest

Cat Curls

3 Sets

10 Reps

30 Second Max Rest

Knee to Chest Seatups

Perform slowly till body feels tight/tense

Standard Low Knee Seatups

Perform slowly till body feels tight/tense


No need for interval timer just pace yourselves, take it slow, breathe and feel good and try to do 30 Second rests before moving onto next exercise.

Equipment needed: Just some light free weights just generating some extra pull for two of the exercises performed during workout.

5 Minute Cool down

This cool down is going to consist of some little jogging and shacking the body on the spot and then once body feels little less tense, stop. Next some slow deep breathing while standing,arms slightly out and pointing down to the floor, breathe in and out around 5 times or bit more till you feel little less little headed

Well done workout complete

Friday, 20 August 2010

PoO PoW Workout, Week 3, Todays Workout, Firday, 20.08.10

Week 3

Day Nineteen

Hope everyone enjoyed their rest day and yes now its time to go back to working out. This morning were going to spicy it up a bit so be ready for a nice burn but a good one.


5 Minute Warm-Up & Stretching
If you’re not sure on what to do for stretching and warming up then refer to my blog and YouTube channel as I'll be posting up what I do as good overall full body stretch and warm-up routine.

10 - 15 - 20 minute run (you can mix HIITs style into this if you want so run fast as you can for 20 to 30 seconds then keep jogging at a nice pace for minute and repeat over 10 minutes). Keeping in mind HIITs style will be much more intense and also a lot of Wednesday workout involves sprinting on the spot as well, you don't want to over work your legs.

***Perform the Knee Up Jogs gently but with a good pace and keeping the knee high but not higher then the waist and also try hoping with the standing leg at the same time. So your doing Knee Up Jog Hops. The reason for this because once 30 seconds of that is completed your to pump everything you got into the next performance 30 second exercise coming up. Checkout whats coming next and you'll see how it flows plus check the interval timer summary it make more sense***

---- Repeat below divided set 3 times without stopping ----

HIITs: Knee-Up-Jog-Hope on the spot (Knees coming up close to the waist if possible but not higher then the waist, you'll feel the impact on your abs as well as the legs and gently small hop with the standing leg as the opposite knee raising leg reaches up)

30 Seconds Performance

HIITs: Knee Pumps - Right Leg (Tilt your body to the side little and pump the knee up in the direction of the tilt, after 1 internal tilt the other direction and repeat)

30 Seconds Performance

HIITs: Knee-Up-Jog-Hope on the spot (Knees coming up close to the waist if possible but not higher then the waist, you'll feel the impact on your abs as well as the legs and gently small hop with the standing leg as the opposite knee raising leg reaches up)

30 Seconds Performance

HIITs: Knee Pumps - Left Leg (Tilt your body to the side little and pump the knee up in the direction of the tilt, after 1 internal tilt the other direction and repeat)

30 Seconds Performance

30 Seconds Rest


HIITs: 2 Alternating Knee Lifts and Elbow knee touch (Basically as one of your knee raises the opposite arm's elbow you crunch down to connect with knee and then you change) - try hoping on the spot as you do this one as well for extra impact

30 Seconds Performance

30 Seconds Rest

*Set Change* ---- No Resting Please ----

Standard: Russian Style Sit-ups (In sit-up position knee low but not to low. Stretch arms out straight and then left up as your doing sit-up keeping your arms pointing straight upwards and stop half way. Keeping this posture, leading from hands and arms rotate body to the left and then back to the middle and then to the right then back middle again. Thats one.) - as many as you can for 1 minute

Standard: Knee to Chest Sit-ups - as many as you can for 1 minute

HIITs: 4 Cross body punching, alternating leg lifting Fast Ab Crunches

20 Seconds Performance

10 Seconds Rest

*Set Change* ---- No Resting Please ----

HIITs: 2 Jump Frog (From push up position jump both legs in and out from the chest area).

20 Seconds Performance

10 Seconds Rest

HIITs: 4 Side Leg lifts (starting from the left and alternating to the right after each interval so in the end you should have done 2 sets on the left and 2 on the right).

20 Seconds Performance

10 Seconds Rest

Standard: 2x One Arm Pushups (Yes that's why we've been doing the one arm push-ups with the knees and now you should be able to do some standard ones and if not), Reps 5 - 10

Standard: 2x Standard Pushups, 5 - 10 - 1x Low Mini Standard Pushups 5-10

-----Important not to rush when doing back exercises-----

Standard: 1x Cat Curls

Standard: 1x Frog Squats

Standard: 1x Cat Curls

If you have Gymboss Timer the setup is as follows:

7/half Intervals

First interval 30 Seconds

Second interval 30 Seconds

Third interval 30 Seconds

Fourth interval 30 Seconds

Fifth interval 30 Seconds (rest interval)

Last interval set on the timer you'll only used the last one as your final rest so it seem on the timer your doing a new interval but your not were just using it as a guide line.

Next Set

2 Intervals

First interval 30 Seconds

Second interval 30 Seconds

Next Set

10 Intervals

First interval 20 Seconds

Second interval 10 Seconds

And if you don’t, don’t worry. Still follow the same intervals following which ever alternative time device you’re using to measure the time for each interval.

5 Minute Cool down

This cool down is going to consist of some little jogging and shacking the body on the spot and then once body feels little less tense, stop. Next some slow deep breathing while standing,arms slightly out and pointing down to the floor, breathe in and out around 5 times or bit more till you feel little less little headed

Well done workout complete

Wednesday, 18 August 2010

PoO PoW Workout, Week 3, Todays Workout, Wednesday, 18.08.10

Week 3

Day Seventeen

Today more less like last Wednesday but with extra's added to generate that extra burn. Wednesday being the most hardest day of the week always make sure your fully ready and got water nearby.


5 Minute Warm-Up & Stretching
If you’re not sure on what to do for stretching and warming up then refer to my blog and YouTube channel as I'll be posting up what I do as good overall full body stretch and warm-up routine.

10 - 15 - 20 minute run (you can mix HIITs style into this if you want so run fast as you can for 20 to 30 seconds then keep jogging at a nice pace for minute and repeat over 10 minutes). Keeping in mind HIITs style will be much more intense and also a lot of Wednesday workout involves sprinting on the spot as well, you don't want to over work your legs.

Try mix in some little jogging into your morning workout and about 25 - 50 jumping jacks

HIITs: 4 Sets of Running Sprints on the spot

30 Seconds Performance

30 Seconds Rest

Compound Exercises 2x Set: I recommend 25 reps for everyone and only 30 for more experience people and no resting between each sets

25 - 30 Pushups

25 - 30 Crunches

25 - 30 Left Side Ab Crunches

25 - 30 Right Side Ab Crunches

Once done repeat set one more time without rest.

- - - - 1 Minute Rest - - - -

HIITs: 8 Sets of Running Sprints on the spot

30 Seconds Performance

30 Seconds Rest


If you have Gymboss Timer the setup is as follows:

3 Intervals

First interval 30 Seconds

Second interval 30 Seconds

Then 2 rounds of compound exercise routine

6 Intervals

First interval 30 Seconds

Second interval 30 Seconds


And if you don’t, don’t worry. Still follow the same intervals following which ever alternative time device you’re using to measure the time for each interval.

5 Minute Cool down

This cool down is going to consist of some little jogging and shacking the body on the spot and then once body feels little less tense, stop. Next some slow deep breathing while standing,arms slightly out and pointing down to the floor, breathe in and out around 5 times or bit more till you feel little less lite headed. Also try get couple stretches in for the arms and legs.

Well done workout complete

Tuesday, 17 August 2010

PoO PoW Workout, Week 3, Todays Workout, Tuesday, 17.08.10

Week 3

Day Sixteen

Today more less like last Tuesday but with extra's added to generate that extra burn.


5 Minute Warm-Up & Stretching
If you’re not sure on what to do for stretching and warming up then refer to my blog and YouTube channel as I'll be posting up what I do as good overall full body stretch and warm-up routine.

10 - 15 - 20 minute run (you can mix HIITs style into this if you want so run fast as you can for 20 to 30 seconds then keep jogging at a nice pace for minute and repeat over 10 minutes). Keeping in mind HIITs style will be much more intense.

HIITs: 2 Jog Jabs Intervals (Jogging on the spot while doing alternating punching jabs, whilst jogging knees should be coming up to waist level)

30 Seconds Performance

30 Seconds Rest

HIITs: 2 Alternating Cross Punching

30 Seconds Performance

30 Seconds Rest

HIITs: 2 Alternating Hook Punches

30 Seconds Performance

30 Seconds Rest

HIITs: 2 Uppercuts Punches

30 Seconds Performance

30 Seconds Rest

HIITs: 3 Jumping Jacks

30 Seconds Performance

30 Seconds Rest

HIITs: 2 Quarts

30 Seconds Performance

30 Seconds Rest

HIITs: 2 Crunches

30 Seconds Performance

30 Seconds Rest

HIITs: 2 Knee to Chest Seatups

30 Seconds Performance

30 Seconds Rest

HIITs: 3 Lower Abdominal Hip Roll

30 Seconds Performance

30 Seconds Rest

HIITs: 3 Inner Leg Lifts (Works the inner thighs) - Weakest Legs first then change for second interval

30 Seconds Performance

30 Seconds Rest

HIITs: 4 Standing Side to Side Leg Lifts (Works the inner thighs)

30 Seconds Performance

30 Seconds Rest

Standard: Standard Pushups

2 Set

15 Reps

Single Arm Pushups from Knee's laid out position (easiest style of performing, everyone should be able too) - Start with weakest arm first.

2 Sets

5 - 10 Reps

----- 30 Second Max Break -----

Cat Curls for 1 mintue

Saxon Bends - No weights arms reach high and just slow move side to side till body feels firm and relax.


If you have Gymboss Timer the setup is as follows:

24 Intervals

First interval 30 Seconds

Second interval 30 Seconds

If you feel you cant do this many intervals with only 30 seconds break then change to 40-50 secs or cut the interval set into 8 intervals then 7 intervals, with 1-2 minute break in between but do try complete it as it is laid out already.

And if you don’t, don’t worry. Still follow the same intervals following which ever alternative time device you’re using to measure the time for each interval.

5 Minute Cool down

This cool down is going to consist of some little jogging and shacking the body on the spot and then once body feels little less tense, stop. Next some slow deep breathing while standing,arms slightly out and pointing down to the floor, breathe in and out around 5 times or bit more till you feel little less lite headed. Also try get couple stretches in for the arms and legs.

Well done workout complete

Monday, 16 August 2010

PoO PoW Workout, Week 3, Todays Workout, Monday, 16.08.10

Week 3


Day Fifteen

Morning all and great for making to week three of the workout plan. Hope your all seeing the improvements and feeling a lot fitter and better. Well now its time to pump it up even more and once we've got few a few days your gonna see even bigger change. The workouts will be faster and more intense but then its less time taken to perform and still the same if not better benefits becuase now your getting to that level were you can train at almost intermediate level specially if you've been add your own extras to the plan. VERY PRIDE OF YOU ALL - But remember self-worth and greatness comes from you and is always there.That being said lets begin.


5 Minute Warm-Up & Stretching
If you’re not sure on what to do for stretching and warming up then refer to my blog and YouTube channel as I'll be posting up what I do as good overall full body stretch and warm-up routine.

10 - 15 - 20 minute run (you can mix HIITs style into this if you want so run fast as you can for 20 to 30 seconds then keep jogging at a nice pace for minute and repeat over 10 minutes). Keeping in mind HIITs style will be much more intense.

HIITs: 2 Jog Jabs Intervals (Jogging on the spot while doing alternating punching jabs, whilst jogging knees should be coming up to waist level)

30 Seconds Performance

30 Seconds Rest

HIITs: 2 Alternating Hook Punches

30 Seconds Performance

30 Seconds Rest

HIITs: 1 Knee Ups

30 Seconds Performance

30 Seconds Rest

HIITs: 1 Punching Uppercuts

30 Seconds Performance

30 Seconds Rest

HIITs: 2 Running from Push-up Position (get into sprinting start position and when ready start, stay in the same position and start pumping those legs trying keep your upper body in correct position and stomach tense as possible).

30 Seconds Performance

30 Seconds Rest

Standard: Standard Pushups

2 Sets

10 - 15 Reps

----- 30 Second Max Break -----

Saxon Bends (light weights)

2 Sets

5 - 10 Reps

HIITs: 2 Ab Crunch Seatups

30 Seconds Performance

30 Seconds Rest

HIITs: 2 Knee to Chest Seatups

30 Seconds Performance

30 Seconds Rest

HIITs: 2 Low Knees standard Seatups

30 Seconds Performance

30 Seconds Rest

HIITs: 2 Air Ab Bicycle Kicks

30 Seconds Performance

30 Seconds Rest

Frog Squats

2 Sets

5 - 10 Reps

30 Second Max Rest

If you have Gymboss Timer the setup is as follows:

8 Intervals

First interval 30 Seconds

Second interval 30 Seconds


- Standard Small Workout Set -


8 Intervals

First interval 30 Seconds

Second interval 30 Seconds

And if you don’t, don’t worry. Still follow the same intervals following which ever alternative time device you’re using to measure the time for each interval.

5 Minute Cool down

This cool down is going to consist of some little jogging and shacking the body on the spot and then once body feels little less tense, stop. Next some slow deep breathing while standing,arms slightly out and pointing down to the floor, breathe in and out around 5 times or bit more till you feel little less lite headed. Also try get couple stretches in for the arms and legs.

Well done workout complete

Saturday, 14 August 2010

PoO PoW Workout, Week 2, Todays Workout, Saturday, 13.08.10

Day Thirteen

Great so the last day of the week people and again its more or less the same as last Saturday just bit more intense becuase its very important to work those back muscles as well.

So lets begin


5 Minute Warm-Up & Stretching
If you’re not sure on what to do for stretching and warming up then refer to my blog and YouTube channel as I'll be posting up what I do as good overall full body stretch and warm-up routine.

*** Two really good stretches for the back both preformed on the floor that can be done;

1st Single leg lift and hold with both arms by reaching as high as you can while trying keep your back on the floor and gently pull that leg in, hold for 10 seconds and gently release and bring the leg down by bringing in the knee first and then change and repeat for next leg.

2nd While seating with one leg straight forward out and other leg crossed over the other leg. then lift that legs knee up and turn your upper body keeping legs in place so your facing in the opposite direction of the knee you just raised, you will feel a pull on your back and try dip your chin a bit and you will feel a pull on your upper back, hold for 10secs then repeat same again but for switching legs

Try and do both stretches for each leg at least twice***

10 - 15 minute run (you can mix HIITs style into this if you want so run fast as you can for 20 to 30 seconds then keep jogging at a nice pace for minute and repeat over 10 minutes).

Saxon Bends (light weights)

2 Sets

10 Reps

30 Second Max Rest

Frog Squats

2 - 4 Sets

10 Reps

30 Second Max Rest


2 Sets

5 - 10 Reps

30 Second Max Rest

Single arm bent over roll (Light weights) - weakest arm first then change

2 Sets

10 Reps

30 Second Max Rest

Side bends with legs on bench

2 Set

10 Reps

30 Second Max Rest

Hindu Pushups

3 Sets

10 Reps

30 Second Max Rest


4 Sets

5 - 10 Reps

30 Second Max Rest

Cat Curls

3 Sets

10 Reps

30 Second Max Rest


No need for interval timer just pace yourselves, take it slow, breathe and feel good and try to do 30 Second rests before moving onto next exercise.

Equipment needed: Just some light free weights just generating some extra pull for two of the exercises performed during workout.

5 Minute Cool down

This cool down is going to consist of some little jogging and shacking the body on the spot and then once body feels little less tense, stop. Next some slow deep breathing while standing,arms slightly out and pointing down to the floor, breathe in and out around 5 times or bit more till you feel little less little headed

Well done workout complete

Workout Time Summary: 20 Minutes (15 – 20 Minute Workout)