Week 4
Day Twenty Seven
Hey everyone and congratulations, you've all made it to the final day of the workout plan. How is everyone feeling? Looking better? Hope so but remember it takes time to lose body weight and tone up and get fit so if your not where you want to be don't worry becuase this is only the beginning plus most human-begins strive for greatness and are never pleased with the end results becuase they feel it can always be improved on or maintained better. So don't get discourage, realize this truth and adapt it into your life, you can't fail if your always moving forward, even if its am inch at a time.
5 Minute Warm-Up & Stretching
If you’re not sure on what to do for stretching and warming up then refer to my blog and YouTube channel as I'll be posting up what I do as good overall full body stretch and warm-up routine.
*** Two really good stretches for the back both preformed on the floor that can be done;
1st Single leg lift and hold with both arms by reaching as high as you can while trying keep your back on the floor and gently pull that leg in, hold for 10 seconds and gently release and bring the leg down by bringing in the knee first and then change and repeat for next leg.
2nd While seating with one leg straight forward out and other leg crossed over the other leg. then lift that legs knee up and turn your upper body keeping legs in place so your facing in the opposite direction of the knee you just raised, you will feel a pull on your back and try dip your chin a bit and you will feel a pull on your upper back, hold for 10secs then repeat same again but for switching legs
Try and do both stretches for each leg at least twice***
15 minute run standard run
---- There should be max of 10 - 15 seconds rest between sets and changes ----
Sit-Ups - Alternating Elbow to Cross Knee
2 sets
50 Reps
15 Second Max Rest
Saxon Bends (light weights)
2 Sets
25 Reps
15 Second Max Rest
Frog Squats
4 Sets
10 Reps
15 Second Max Rest
Leg-Lifts Sit-Ups
2 Sets
30 Reps
15 Second Max Rest
Single arm bent over roll (Light weights) - weakest arm first then change
2 Sets
15 Reps
15 Second Max Rest
Side bends with legs on bench
2 Set
15 Reps
15 Second Max Rest
Hindu Pushups
2 Sets
20 Reps
15 Second Max Rest
Leg Lifts - In Push-up Position (Right leg first then Left, Switch between sets)
2 Sets
20 Reps
15 Second Max Rest
2 Sets
15 Reps
15 Second Max Rest
Cat Curls
2 Sets
15 Reps
30 Second Max Rest
Knee to Chest Seatups
Perform slowly till body feels tight/tense
Standard Low Knee Seatups
Perform slowly till body feels tight/tense
Push-Up Set
Perform slowly till body feels tight/tense
Start from triangle push-up position and when you feel quite tight and tense change to standard push-up position and continue till you feel the same again and then change to out-stretch position push-up and continue till you feel the same then stop and rest for 1 minute
Repeat this once more time and your done.
No need for interval timer just pace yourselves, take it slow, breathe and feel good and try to do 30 Second rests before moving onto next exercise.
Equipment needed: Just some light free weights just generating some extra pull for two of the exercises performed during workout.
5 Minute Cool down
This cool down is going to consist of some little jogging and shacking the body on the spot and then once body feels little less tense, stop. Next some slow deep breathing while standing,arms slightly out and pointing down to the floor, breathe in and out around 5 times or bit more till you feel little less little headed
Terry Masters