Friday, 2 May 2014

★ Help friends raise their scores!

Terry Masters, Drdvl and 2 more friends need your help to raise their scores on Hot or Not.
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Sunday, 29 January 2012

Yes, im alive and no i havent forgetten.

I know i know im terrible but i havnt forgotten. Im just tired into alot of stuff at the moment and waiting for my notebook and organizational materials to be delivered so i can proper detail and go over everything i mention in my last blog.

The sketches ive done have been posted up onto my facebook account so you can click on the links above to check them up from my main page not my fan page, which does remind me i have to do some serious updates to my fan page >_> I'll get around to that too.

My Sunday workout was amazing. Did 10 min run then HIITs style sprint run with 8 rounds 35 secs active, 15 secs rest and then other 10 min run right after followed by some legs and ab sets. Felt great.

So as you can see i've been well and ive been keeping up to date with most things just haven't had the time to post but I'll will gain properly after the first week of Feb so looking forward to posting and see you all soon.